====== Developing for Android on Debian ====== ===== Configuring physical device access for ''adb'' ===== You need to get the USB device permissions right. There's been a bit of confusion about this. Here's what I do. I created ''/etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules''. It contains: SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0bb4", SYMLINK+="android_adb", GROUP="plugdev" After that, a quick ''/etc/init.d/udev restart'' as ''root'' and plug the device in. ''0bb4'' identifies my physical device, a HTC G1. It's the vendor ID you see when you ''lsusb'': Bus 001 Device 010: ID 0bb4:0c02 High Tech Computer Corp. Dream / ADP1 / G1 Phone (Debug) This gives all users in group ''plugdev'' carte blanche to do stuff with the phone. Previous advice had the ''udev'' rule set ''MODE=0666'', giving access to everyone. It appears this rule no longer works.