====== Notes on troubles I've had with GNU Emacs ====== A random scrapbook of problems and solutions for things I've stubbed my toe on with GNU Emacs. ---- Starting up Emacs24 one day, and the C++ setup didn't get run. I enabled ''(setq debug-on-error t)'' in my ''.emacs.d/init.el'' and saw: ''c-font-lock-fontify-region: Symbol's function definition is void: nil'' Running with ''emacs -Q'' to disable startup scripts saw everything working, so it's something in ''init.el''. A bit of guesswork/triangulation later, and it's this line: '''(font-lock-mode t t (font-lock))'' in ''(custom-set-variables''. I suspect this is an old line turning on global font lock. Now replaced by ''global-font-lock-mode'' which appears to be on by default anyway. I removed the line and all is now well.